Tuesday, 24 December 2019

DU M.SC. Mathematics Test Pattern

Looking for M.Sc mathematics coaching in Delhi or Jaipur? Alpha Plus offers M.Sc maths/mathematics coaching with a faculty that has over 25+ years of teaching experience.

Exam Date: The examination will be organized from third week of June.
Exam Duration: The duration of examinations will be 3 hours.
Type of Questions: The question paper will be the MCQs type (Multiple Choice Questions).
Marking Scheme: For a correct response, 4 marks will be awarded to the candidates.
Negative Marking: There will be negative marking for the wrong answe

DU M.SC. OR Test-Pattern

It will consist of written test and interview.Written Test (85%) :

It will be of 3 hrs.duration with multiple choice questions. There will be negative marking for every wrong answer. It will consist of two parts :

Part-I: General Aptitude (20%) : General English, Comprehension, Logic, Analytical ability and Reasoning.

Part-II: Quantitative Aptitude (65%): Questions from Mathematics, Statistics, Operational Research and Computer Science.

Seats Allocation for DU M.ScMaths

M.Sc Mathematics Coaching

MA (Mathematics) and MSc (Mathematics) are one and the same course. If the student has taken BA, he/she is given MA; if one has BSc, then he/she get MSc.; thus there is no separate reservation for MA or MSc.. The duration of this program is two years. Students will be admitted to the M.A./M.Sc. program either directly (Mode I) or through an entrance test (Mode II). Applicant graduated under 10+2+3 scheme or any equivalent scheme are eligible for admission.There are 308 seats in North Campus, 62 in South Campus.

Eligibility Conditions for Admission to M.A./M.Sc. Course In Mathematics

There will be two modes of admission:

Direct Admission: 50% seats in the M.A./M.Sc Mathematics shall be filled on the basis of a merit list drawn in order of merit amongst candidates who have passed B.A. (Hons)/B.Sc. (Hons) Examination in Mathematics of Delhi University with at least 60% marks in aggregate.

Through an Entrance: The remaining 50% seats will be filled on the basis of merit in an entrance examination. Any candidate who has obtained bachelor degree in Mathematics securing at least 50% marks in aggregate will be eligible to appear in entrance examination.

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